Dual Address for USA

Log in to your vPost Account. You will be able to find the USA address that contains a unique code starting with SGXXXXXXXX within your account (under “My Addresses”).
Click on USA to view your free personalised vPost overseas address
Choose either one of these 2 USA warehouse addresses.


1What’s new?
You now have the flexibility to shop and ship to 2 vPost USA warehouse addresses!
2Why are there two warehouse addresses?
We heard clearly from your feedback that having multiple US warehouse addresses would provide you with the flexibility of choice – should one address not be available for shipping, just try the other address. Your packages will still be shipped directly to you via your selected Singapore delivery address at the same delivery standard.
3When can I start shipping my items to the 2nd warehouse address?
Starting from 16th September 2019, you will be able to see two USA addresses reflected in your account. Start shopping and shipping from the two address option.
4How does it affect my shipment?
Fret not, there will be no direct impact on your current shipping schedule.
5Can I send multiple packages to different address?
Yes, you can. There will be no impact if you send two different packages to any of our USA warehouse address. You will still receive your email notification within 2 working days after your merchant has delivered to either of our warehouse addresses.
6Will I still get my bundling discount even I send my packages to two different warehouses?
Yes! You will still get to enjoy our bundling discount when you shipped more than 2 packages in one payment invoice.
7Is sea shipment available from the two USA Warehouse address?
Yes, enjoy the flexibility and same benefits even with two options of warehouse address. Send your items either by Air and Sea Shipment.